The cathedral (La Seu)

One of the most beautiful Gothic buildings in Barcelona

The cathedral certainly is one of the most beutiful Gothic buildings in Barcelona. It stands at the Pla de la Seu, almost in the centre of the Barri Gòtic, which directly borders to the famous Rambla. The forecourt of the cathedral is often used for parties and events. Saturdays at 18.30 and Sundays at 12.00 people dance the Sardana, the traditional circle dance of the Catalans.

It is also worthwhile to look at the church at night, when the facade is atmospherically illuminated (currently covered by scaffolding due to renovations). Inside the cathedral you will find a magnificent building and a beautiful cloister.

The construction of this imposing cathedral started in the 11th Century on the foundations of a basilica destroyed by the Moors in 985. The nave was built between 1298-1448. The construction of the neo-gothic facade was finished in 1890. The church houses 29 side chapels, 10 of which are located around the apse of the altar. In one chapel there is a supposedly miraculous crucifix. It is said to have helped defeat the Turks at the Battle of Lepanto.

The church is about 83 metres long and 25 metres high.

Cloister of the Cathedral

The Cathedral is dedicated to Santa Eulàlia martyr, the patron saint of Barcelona. She was tortured to death in the late Roman period. The body of Santa Eulàlia lies buried under the high altar. Her feast day is always celebrated on the 12th February.

Be sure to look at the Cloister with small chapels, gardens, fountains and even geese cackling around. You can hear the loud cackling of the geese from the church building. The geese used to fulfill an important task: they warned against intruders and thieves. Especially on hot summer days, the cool cloisters are a joy.

From the cloister you can reach the small museum (open from 10-13:00 and from 17-19:00). In this museum you will find two very valuable items, representing Santa Eulàia and an equally precious monstrance of solid gold. A monstrance is a liturgical display device in which the host is presented. In the "Sala Capitular" you can admire the beautiful ceiling paintings.

Our tip: The interior of the cathedral is particularly impressive in the light of dusk.

With the elevator you can get to the roof of the cathedral. The elevator is located in the church building on the left side in the Capella de les del Ànimes Purgatori between nave and apse.

If you would like to pray in the cathedral, you can do so in peace and undisturbed view of tourists in the first chapel (Sant Christ de Lepant) on the right side of the main entrance. This chapel is also the largest chapel in the cathedral.

Das Wichtigste im Überblick

Plaça de la Seu, 7
Telefon: +34 933 107 195

Metro: Jaume I. (L4)
Bus Turístic: Barri Gòtic

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